13. Preferences
Sigma Chess will store most of the menu and dialog settings in its preferences
file (Sigma Chess 6 Prefs) in the System Folder. The Preferences Dialog,
which is opened via the Preferences...
command in the File menu, provides
access to some less frequently used options. Some of these have already been
mentioned above.
The settings are divided into the following groups:
Where you should enter your name, and control if the
3D board should be enabled (disabling it will save some memory).
Where you can control how games are opened, and if "game
saves" should be confirmed, etc.
Collections & PGN
Defines various options for Collections and PGN importing
and formatting.
Scores & Analysis
Defines the formatting of Sigma Chess's scoring and
Messages & Sounds
Where you can choose, for example, if Sigma Chess should announce
mate, be able to resign, etc. Also you can enable move sounds.
Contains a few miscellaneous options.
Where you control how much memory to reserve for general
use (e.g. opening games and collections). Only available/necessary under OS 9.
Transposition Tables
Where you control the maximum transposition
table size per engine "instance".
The Default button resets the dialog settings with the default
values. This operation does not affect the menu settings.
The Sigma Chess 6 User's Manual - Copyright (C) 2002, Ole K. Christensen
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